The Directors recognise the importance of sound corporate governance and intend that the Group will comply with the QCA Code for Smaller Companies.

The Board is responsible for formulating, reviewing and approving the Group’s strategy, budgets and corporate actions. The Group has established the following committees of the Board with formally delegated duties and responsibilities.

Audit and AIM Compliance Committee

The Audit and AIM Compliance Committee has primary responsibility for monitoring the quality of internal controls, ensuring that the financial performance of the Group is properly measured and reported on. It will receive and review reports from the Group’s management and auditors relating to the interim and annual accounts and the accounting and internal control systems in use throughout the Group. The Audit Committee will meet no less than twice each year and will have unrestricted access to the Group’s auditors. The Audit Committee comprises three non-executive Directors, Glyn Barker (as Chair of Commitee), Gareth Edwards and Tiffany Sword.

 Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee reviews the performance of executive Directors and makes recommendations to the Board on matters relating to their remuneration and terms of employment. The committee also makes recommendations to the Board on proposals for the granting of share options and other equity incentives pursuant to any share option scheme or equity incentive scheme in operation from time to time. The Remuneration Committee will meet at least once each year. The Remuneration Committee comprises three non-executive Directors, Gareth Edwards (as Chair of Commitee), Glyn Baker, and Tiffany Sword. As Chair, Gareth Edwards has the casting vote.

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee is appointed by the Board to assist the Company and the Board in fulfilling their respective corporate governance responsibilities under applicable laws, to promote a culture of integrity throughout the Company and to assist the Company in identifying and recommending new nominees for election to the board. The Nomination Committee will meet at least twice a year. The Nomination Committee comprises Tiffany Sword, Glyn Barker and Gareth Edwards, with Tiffany Sword as Chair of the committee.